October 12, 2018 2:39 pm
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Horse tack is the equipment and accessories required to ride a horse, including saddles, bridles, stirrups, reins, harnesses and bits. Buying the best quality tack you can afford and taking care of all your equipment means you’ll have these things for longer and keep them in the best condition possible. Purchase from a known manufacturer, one that you know uses quality materials and takes pride in their work. When it comes to leather horse tack in Montana, find out the type of thread used for stitching. Natural fibers like linen and cotton are nice, but synthetic threads are unaffected by... View Article
September 27, 2018 2:33 pm
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The bit may be an important piece of horse riding equipment, but how do you know if you need to replace it? Is the bit making your horse’s mouth hurt? The following information can help you decode whether your horse is wearing a properly fitting bit or not. Make sure the bit fits Before riding, you probably check to make sure the saddle and bridle both fit correctly. What about horse bits in Montana? It’s important that this piece fits your horse properly, too—and comfortably. A bit that is too big has a tendency to move around and bang against... View Article
August 29, 2018 2:54 pm
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Getting your first horse is an exciting adventure, and you’re likely ready to dive in headfirst. Of course, long before you actually bring your horse home, you need to make sure you’re properly prepared with all the equipment you’ll need to raise and train your horse. If you already own a ranch or other type of country property, you probably already have a lot of items, including pitchforks, wheelbarrows and shovels you’ll use to clean up after the horse. There are, however, some specialty items you’ll have to purchase at a local tack shop, including horse training equipment and other... View Article
August 29, 2018 2:50 pm
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One of the questions we frequently get asked at our tack shop is whether English tack or western tack in Montana is the better option, or if one style of riding is easier than the other. Let’s take a look at some of the similarities and differences in the styles of equipment and riding to help you better understand your options. The equipment You’ll find that the equipment can vary greatly in western and English riding. English riding tends to have smaller and lighter saddles, versus the larger saddles used in western riding. In addition, western saddles tend to have... View Article