Horses are strong and resilient animals, but winter weather can have an adverse effect on their health much like it can on humans’. Usually, horses can stay perfectly healthy throughout the winter, but a lack of proper food, water and shelter can change things for the worse. Additionally, very young or old horses, as well as horses that are already sick, are more susceptible to winter-related health conditions. There are a few common ailments that tend to afflict horses during cold periods. It’s important for any horse owner to be able to identify the signs of these ailments to help... View Article
The bit may be an important piece of horse riding equipment, but how do you know if you need to replace it? Is the bit making your horse’s mouth hurt? The following information can help you decode whether your horse is wearing a properly fitting bit or not. Make sure the bit fits Before riding, you probably check to make sure the saddle and bridle both fit correctly. What about horse bits in Montana? It’s important that this piece fits your horse properly, too—and comfortably. A bit that is too big has a tendency to move around and bang against... View Article
Getting your first horse is an exciting adventure, and you’re likely ready to dive in headfirst. Of course, long before you actually bring your horse home, you need to make sure you’re properly prepared with all the equipment you’ll need to raise and train your horse. If you already own a ranch or other type of country property, you probably already have a lot of items, including pitchforks, wheelbarrows and shovels you’ll use to clean up after the horse. There are, however, some specialty items you’ll have to purchase at a local tack shop, including horse training equipment and other... View Article